digital print

Thanks to technology, we now have a variety of printing methods that we can use for our commercial purposes. It would be useful to know all the methods for us to choose the most suited for our project. We’ve outlined the printing methods below.


Letterpress is known to be one of the oldest printing methods which were first discovered by a guy called Gutenberg. Although the technique is relatively old, it is still used by many companies today. Letterpress printing are mostly used for business cards or greeting cards.

Screen printing

Screen printing is used for printing any images into any items that don’t have a flat surface. They are normally used for items like clothing, mugs and more. They are also used for printing in large-scale display adverts including billboards or signage.


Engraving printing is used to create a dented and textured print. This type of printing is also used to create sharp images on hard surfaces such as a metal printing plate. Engraving is also one of the oldest printing methods as it was first introduced back in 1446.

Electrostatic printing

The electrostatic method is a similar process to photocopying as it involves having the ink pasted onto the drum and then transferred through a paper by heat. The process is speedy and cheap for short printings.

Digital printing

This method is the newest method by far. Digital printing is reliant on computers where the digital images came straight from the computer and transmitted through a press printer. It’s also the fastest printing method and most used by almost all businesses today.


This printing method can produce prints on raised images by using special dust or powder and merging them into a wet ink. The substance is then heated on to the wet ink to produce a raised printed surface.

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